This page records some pictures of our journey of restoration. We are very grateful for the financial support from Historic England and all the other organisations and individuals over the last ten years which has enabled the church building to be secured for the current and future generations.
As part of the Phase III work in November 2014 we were invited to Lloyd and Smith's workshop to look at the new stone tracery being hand made for the windows. They also visited Design Lights, the stained glass conservators workshop to see how the stained glass windows were being cleaned, repaired where needed and then re-leaded ready to be installed back in the tracery. The photos below were taken on the day.
A lot has happened in the church since the last update. This will be documented over the winter months through a series of photographs and stories. The current view of the church is shown in the photo opposite. The magnificent Pod can be seen from the sanctuary. The new carpet is laid in the main body of the church, and the old carpet has been removed on the Sanctuary revealing the black and white tiled floor.
The Pod is an extremely useful space and has been used for Services, an Alpha course, meals, community meetings and many other things. Work is just starting on the North Windows to repair and conserve them for future generations. Investigative/remedial work is ongoing in the South Transept to look at the extent of the dry rot.
There is much more work to be completed, however, the church has taken on a new life and the removal of the Pews has created an extremely flexible space. The carpet provides warmth and colour. A new sound system and hidden induction loop has improved the audibility of services/events for all. It is an exciting time in the life of this church and the people who worship there.